In the October issue of ON AIR magazine, we delve into some fascinating research being carried out by Sabrina McKenzie, a music psychology doctoral student from The University of Melbourne. In our special interview, Sabrina shares with us how listening to music can help us with self-compassion, which in turn can help us take care of our mental health. We’re thrilled to bring you such important research being carried out right here in Melbourne.
Also happening here in Melbourne is the 2024 3MBS Victorian Young Performer Award, to be held at Good Shepherd Chapel on Sunday 20 October. Read all about this special event in the October issue—and then join us in the audience to celebrate the talent of these extraordinary artists.
ON AIR is the subscriber magazine of the station you love to listen to! Subscribe to 3MBS and you’ll receive eleven issues delivered straight to your inbox or letterbox over the year. Every issue features news from around the performing arts scene, sneak previews of upcoming broadcasts—and more. Test your musical knowledge with trivia penned by our beloved presenters and use our monthly list of musical works to make sure you never miss your favourite symphony! Available in print and digital format, ON AIR magazine brings you a month of wonderful reading from Melbourne’s home of classical music.